• Please review the following important information and scroll down to complete rental agreement and waiver.

• You must be able to swim and have prior surf experience in before renting equipment with us.

When in doubt, don’t go out. Do not paddle out into conditions that might not be suitable for you.

Watch the ocean for some time before paddling out to observe any currents, crowds, hazards, etc.

Stay clear of the rock Jetties. Do not get too close as the current can quickly sweep you towards them.

Call for help. Don’t be shy to ask for help from another surfer or beach goer.

Cover your Head. Always cover your head when falling off the board and never dive.

Hold your board to the side. Never hold your board in front of you as a wave can push it into you.

Paddle where there is space. Do not paddle out in front of any surfers as you will get in the way. Find an open space.

Give people space and respect. Do not paddle into the middle of a crowded area, especially right next to the jetties where experienced surfers tend to be.

Don’t drop in. When paddling for a wave, the surfer closest to the peak has the right of way. If you are unsure, just give way to the other surfer if he or she is more experienced as it is more likely that they have positioned themselves better.

Look, then look again. You should be constantly aware of your surroundings are you paddle out, paddle for a wave and ride a wave.

Do not ditch your board. If you need to wipe out of swim under a wave, do not toss your board to the side. Hold onto it so that it doesn’t float freely away and hit someone else.